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Reviewing Election Process using Robotic Process Automation

This paper explores the challenges of implementing RPA in the election process, emphasizing the need for careful planning, cyber security, legal compliance, and maintaining transparency and data privacy. The findings should serve as an adequate basis for implementing a better election procedure that may reduce election fraud and errors.
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Renewable Energy Sources for Industrial Growth

Industrial expansion, a prominent catalyst for worldwide advancement, simultaneously plays a substantial role in the expanding use of energy and the release of greenhouse gases. This study aims to provide a detailed and critical examination of the significant role that renewable energy sources play in promoting sustainable industrial development, in…
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Impact of Architectural Education on Energy Sustainability in Selected Schools of Architecture in Lagos Megacity

This study aims to investigate the impact of architectural education on energy sustainability in selected architectural schools in the Lagos Megacity. It explores the impact of architectural education in these schools of Architecture and how it has influenced the design and construction of energy-efficient buildings and, in turn, contributed to…
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